Pnpm aliases

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Install & upgrade pnpm

I recommend you to install pnpm globally using npm with:

npm i -g pnpm

To upgrade to the latest version, run:

npm i -g pnpm@latest

Add an alias for pnpm in your shell

Open your shell profile file (e.g. .zprofile or .bash_profile):

$ code ~/.zprofile
# or code ~/.bash_profile

Or if you prefer Vim:

$ vim ~/.zprofile
# or vim ~/.bash_profile

Add the following line to your shell profile file:

alias pn=pnpm

And reload it with:

source ~/.zprofile
# or source ~/.bash_profile

Now you can use pn instead of pnpm in your shell.

$ pn -v

Bump dependencies in your project to the latest version

If you want to upgrade all the dependencies in your project to the latest version, you can use the following command:

pnpm up -i -L

Which will show you the list of packages that will be upgraded and ask you to confirm the upgrade.

$ pn up -i -L
? Choose which packages to update (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection) …
 Package                                                    Current   Target
 @commitlint/cli                                             19.4.1 19.5.0
 @commitlint/config-conventional                             19.4.1 19.5.0
 @types/node                                                 22.5.4 22.7.5
 @types/react                                                18.3.5 18.3.11
 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin                            6.21.0 8.8.1
 @typescript-eslint/parser                                   6.21.0 8.8.1
 eslint                                                      8.57.0 9.12.0
 eslint-config-next                                          14.2.8 14.2.15
 eslint-config-prettier                                      8.10.0 9.1.0
 husky                                                        9.1.5 9.1.6
 prettier-plugin-tailwindcss                                  0.6.6 0.6.8
 typescript                                                   5.5.4 5.6.3
 Package                                                    Current   Target
 @headlessui/react                                            2.1.5 2.1.10
 @next/bundle-analyzer                                       14.2.8 14.2.15
 contentlayer2                                                0.5.0 0.5.1
 esbuild                                                     0.23.1 0.24.0
 lucide-react                                               0.439.0 0.451.0
 next                                                        14.2.8 14.2.15
 next-contentlayer2                                           0.5.0 0.5.1
 pliny                                                        0.3.1 0.3.2
 postcss                                                     8.4.45 8.4.47
 rehype-citation                                              2.1.1 2.2.0
 rehype-preset-minify                                         7.0.0 7.0.1
 tailwindcss                                                 3.4.10 3.4.13
Enter to start updating. Ctrl-c to cancel.

Happy aliasing!